{{ report.currentReport.reportId }}
{{ report.currentReport.updatedBy }} @ {{ report.currentReport.updatedDate | date:'medium' }}
Use the format: "sql_col_1":"Display Header 1","sql_col_2":"Display Col 2",..
** Important: if the report will be made available in prostat, it will need to include a "join practitioner p" **
If this will be used on ProStat, make sure to have "c.client_id" as a column in the result set
If this will be used on ProStat, make sure to have "c.client_id" as a column in the result set
{{ report.currentReport.selectSQL + " " + report.currentReport.fromSQL + " " + report.currentReport.whereSQL + " " + report.currentReport.groupBySQL + " " + report.currentReport.orderBySQL }}
Sequence | Key | Label | Where Clause | Reference SQL | Client Specific? | Delete |
** Important: if the report will be made available in prostat, the query used will need to include a "join practitioner p" **